Archive for April, 2016


Friday, April 22nd, 2016

It’s time to clean house, start working on those crafty projects, and get outside to prepare the flower beds and vegetable gardens. RevolutionPly®, which is a fine alternative to lauan (luan) plywood, and is perfect for creating indoor and outdoor garden signs for your flowers and plants. And RevBead® is great for beautiful and easy […]

Cons of Purchasing and Using Meranti Plywood (Lauan/Luan)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Most Meranti plywood (Lauan/Luan) orginates from tropical hardwood forests that have not been managed for long term sustainability. Most Meranti plywood originates from tropical forests situated along the Equator. These forests have declined dramatically over the past 30 years due to poor forest management. The appearance of Meranti plywood varies significantly from shipment to shipment […]

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